Week 18 - Class 1 (A)
Pee Wees 30 sec Timed 30 sec Timed 30 sec Timed
Jumping jacks Pushups   Crunches   Climbers
30 record record record
Juniors 30 sec Timed 30 sec Timed 30 sec Timed
Jumping jacks Pushups   Crunches   Climbers
50 record record record
Juniors 30 sec Timed 30 sec Timed 30 sec Timed
Jumping jacks Pushups   Crunches   Climbers
75 record record record
Adults 30 sec Timed 30 sec Timed 30 sec Timed
Jumping jacks Pushups   Crunches   Climbers
50 record record record
Adults 30 sec Timed 30 sec Timed 30 sec Timed
Jumping jacks Pushups   Crunches   Climbers
75 record record record
sets 1
Backwards Elbow
60 Pee Wees
Closed Fist on striking Elbow
seconds Juniors Open hand on the pushing hand
rest, Adults
sets 2
Snake Fist
60 Pee Wees
Striking hand goes over other hand
seconds Juniors Palm facing floor
rest, Adults Center on target
sets 3
Mantis Fist High
60 Pee Wees
3 fingers, touching, pointing in opposite direction of strike
seconds Juniors Other 2 fingers are tucked
rest, Adults Striking with top of wrist
sets 4
Mantis Fist Sideways
60 Pee Wees
3 fingers, touching, pointing in opposite direction of strike
seconds Juniors Other 2 fingers are tucked
rest, Adults Striking with top of wrist
sets 5
Tiger Claw
60 Pee Wees
Strike with Palm first
seconds Juniors Grab
rest, Adults Twist and pull
sets 6
Eagle Claw
60 Pee Wees
3 fingers spread wide, tips pointing in the direction of strike
seconds Juniors Other 2 fingers are tucked
rest, Adults Strike with tips of fingers
repeat Pinch fingers
sets 7
Leopard's Fist knuckles
Bend all fingers at second joint from the tips
seconds Juniors Palm facing floor
rest, Adults Palm bones and finger bones line up
repeat Strike narrow targets with second knuckles
sets 8
Leopard's Fist Palms
Bend all fingers at second joint from the tips
seconds Juniors Palm facing target
rest, Adults Palm bones and finger bones line up
repeat Strike targets with palm
sets 9
Knife Hand
60 Juniors
seconds Adults
sets 10
60 Juniors
Fingers touching, palm facing floor
seconds Adults Thumb tucked fully under palm
rest, Hand goes forward and outside shoulder area, evading block
repeat hand centering onto side of head/neck
Fingers and hand bones all lined up
Strike with area between wrist and index finger last joint